Sunday, April 19, 2015

A cruisey piece in the key of D

I felt a bit hollow, talking about my struggles to begin learning an instrument at a late age, and being too timid to share anything that I've done. Most of the things that I spend time learning are to give me the skills to learn the next thing, and there never seems to be much to show for it, but I am aware that the fingers are working more independently, and my brain has altered somewhat....and while I still have no illusions about playing in a way that is as good as the playing that I like to listen to, there is progress and I am really enjoying my daily sessions.

This live link above is one of the few pieces that I made a recording of, and it is unrehearsed, based on a piece by Brian Sherrill, the backing track is by him and my lead  is improvised over that. I did it over six months ago, but since then I have slipped back to learning skills rather than playing pieces. I share it very hesitantly, not putting it forward to be admired but rather just as evidence that learning new stuff late in life is worth doing- keeping the old brain from being too comfortable with what it already knows, and stepping out every day into the world of scary, un-doable things simply because it is a blast to be challenged and found a bit lacking

It is played on my Gibson 335 and recorded through my computer amplifier set up and an 'i-rig' link between computer and guitar. I find the sounds more limiting than my trusty fender Blues Junior amplifier, but it is great to be able to work at a desk with headphones.

The piece at the top is a slideshow, while the lower link is for anyone wanting to listen on Soundcloud

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